Thursday, 30 August 2012

Following from the commitment I made to myself during the course of writing this blog, these days I am in the phase of experimenting on myself; my ideas, thoughts and beliefs in two different extremes in what I call a military regime. So, I have basically envisioned my next 10-15 years and from there drawn my action steps for the next 4 months, 12 months and 3 years. At present, on a day to day basis; I am trying hard to do most things I have not done for a long period of time in my life; like studying maths,  interacting with the least number of people, spending more and more time with myself, learning spanish, writing my blogs and journals, reading books of my interest, closely following the lives of people i admire, writing in my 'dreamlining' notebook, following a routine by my own choice without outer compulsion. Though I am not the happiest or satisfied with this personal experiment so far, coz i know i can do far better with this experiment and get better results and conclusions. i intend to improvise this with immediate effect. 

A thought crossed my mind today that, now i have pro-actively put myself in a life situation where even if my conscious or sub conscious mind wants to, it can not use any reasons whatsoever to procrastinate anything that I actually want to and should be doing. Though i must say, this experiment has been really challenging so far and i can feel it. Its like living in completely new world realities that no one else but i have created for myself. Why am i doing this? i believe this will catalyze a systemic transformation in my subconscious mind which will ensure i am not just aligned and inspired to what i need to do in life but also  a process which will push to me my next zone of intelligence, intellect and awareness and action.

Its been 3 days of living this new reality and experiment and i have survived so far without much damage. As challenging as it might look right now, i know i am on the right track and there is so much more i can to to make my every now and reality better. The day i will be more content will be the day when i know i am in my zone completely and actions i would love to perform would be effortless. 

i live to know my answers.

Friday, 17 August 2012

A lie told to self is far worse than the one told to others. Getting an alignment of thoughts, words and actions everyday is the most important element to reach our highest human potential. A clear understanding and realization of this fact helps me in understanding the reality better.

If i get a feeling that nobody loves me or i don't think i receive enough love; does that mean that its a reflection of my mind and I don't love myself or love myself enough?

What is it that enables me to be in my 'zone' and what is it that enables me to continue to stay in my zone for a long time?

Why does the sense of existence and life look like it is clouded by some unknown which restricts the level of consciousness. Something that prevents me from the state of 'knowing' and remains at the state of 'believing'?

What role does the 'opportunity cost' play in determining whether we always act to reach our highest potential? e.g - i know that i will only play and exist at my highest potential when i know there is no back up or plan B or cost of not having what i truly want will be equivalent to death in the broad sense and a part of me will die forever if i don't have it. So only if i know this, then i can push myself to my potential. This is seen in the lives of the most evolved human beings and people who reached individual optimum. If my mind knows there is a 'back up' it will use its survival tools and not push its awareness because of a danger of failing. It the materialistic world, this is also applicable while hiring the best people. They are only the ones with the highest opportunity cost. There level of self awareness is the highest.

Every specie perceives reality differently, like humans, animals, birds, insects depending on their nervous system or brain or mind. Does this mean that there are different realities or the reality itself is a function of our perception and the actual reality is something which our mind and current level of awareness are incapable to understand. Its at a dimension higher than what our five senses can understand. Then the question is how can we increase the awareness of our mind to understand the actual reality which is not trapped in space, time and distance?

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Its independence day today for India and one of the first which has a least influence on me either positive or negative. I am wondering what has caused this change, has it happened over a period of time and what does it mean? The first thoughts that come to mind don't worry me because its a feeling I have had since some time.

1. We should be happy that the people who lived in this country before 65 years (few of them must still be alive today) got independence from foreign rule. They were able to reclaim their land and some human rights. But think about this - people who got independence are no more alive today and we are happy for their 'nows'. This means I and most Indians were born in a free country. Looking at the state of affairs today and how this country is led and governed politically, it doesn't require a genius to figure out that there is more to worry 'now' and take care of it than to celebrate something which was done and achieved by a previous generation by 'their' actions alone. So if I look at my life today, what is my contribution in the now to help 1/6th of the total human population who live in 'free India' to lead a positive transformation?

Celebrating today just to become happy/motivated/inspired for actions of people who are no more is same as running away from making 'my' own contribution. India has the talent and the potential which is unmatched and unlimited but does not get channelised because the few who call the shots for more than a billion people today, either - have the wrong intention, selfish motives, hidden agenda, mis- alignment of thoughts, words and action, incapable of finding a progressive solution, do not want to find a solution or have deep down within given up and living the rest of their days.

Its 65 years today and most of the political leaders in most relevant positions are more than 65 years old! Why is this the reality of a country where the average age of a citizen is 24 years. So by simple maths and majority in a democracy, 24 year olds are mostly choosing 65 year old to lead them. That is such a paradox and this fact itself is enough to understand how complex this challenge looks to be. Moreover when I see people (even I was there once) joining the anti-corruption movements in India in the last 18 months, they are also mostly young people. So one obvious conclusion is that young people in this country think its more important to join a walk or an, 'ann-shan' than to cast their vote. But this doesn't explain the whole story.

There are some relatively young people in todays politics, like in their 40s mostly; but I have mostly never seen them contribute their opinion and influence any major national or regional decision. I have seen a lot of debates in the parliament and never seen them influencing at debate. There must be a solid reason what suppresses their voice or why they choose to occupy those roles and not make a national contribution.

The country is presently politically led by a generation which comfortably chooses to live in the past, glorify the achievements of the previous generation and make this country move at a snail's pace or worse. Whatever growth the country is seeing today or whatever excites the MNCs/political leaders of the economically stagnant developed world; is driven by the hardworking Indian entrepreneurs and a few great companies/organizations and not the politicians or the popular MNCs which funds the elaborate election campaigns of the political parties.

The next national elections should reflect the true picture of how non-inspiring the current state of affairs is and perhaps then a few genuine young leaders would raise their hands and take up more responsibility. The question for now is, what happens for the next two years? What happens in the now to make things better tomorrow!

2. I feel the way I am feeling today is also because the whole importance attached to emotions like 'nationalism' is almost dissolved in my mind and awareness and has now evolved to looking at the world without borders and political divisions, looking at every human in broadly the same way irrespective of which country he or she is from and also my growing awareness about the 'global consciousness' at the spiritual level. The concepts of countries was formed to create organized societies to govern humans by some rules and keep them safe but now with the growing connectivity through travel and internet, it looks completely irrelevant why I should think from a mere country or nationalistic perspective. It is very limiting. What also seems more relevant to me is my contribution to my human race as a whole and not any city or country.

This is my guiding principle and what inspires me now. This is will lead to actions performed by me to meet this objective and I know today that achieving this will increase my awareness of the global consciousness, create a transformative global impact and make me more content than anything else. The set of these actions need to be determined now and the near future, divided in blocks of years and spreading across the rest of my life.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Today I am going to write about three remarkable things going on in my mind since some time now -

1. There is nothing called future, its an illusion created by the mind perhaps as a survival tool
2. There is nothing called free will, at least mostly
3. To the physicists, cosmologists and other scientists - While you spend time exploring the universe in search for the origin, I will invest my life in just exploring my own mind because beyond where we have reached as a some what intelligent species; we can only solve mysteries by using a more aware mind and the global consciousness where more and more minds think this way.

There is nothing called future - 

Consider this, even the maximum duration of the human life, say about 100 years is so minuscule to the earth life or nature life; that any changes outside our mind happening in the physical nature is bare minimum. Unless of course in case of a natural calamity which alters the future. So what we call as the future is nothing but just an accumulation of the 'nows'. Imagine, everyday when I wake up, when really changes in my outside environment except for my mind looking at things from a different perspective. Either happy or sad, motivated or not so motivated, energetic or not energetic, optimism or pessimism and all the feelings in our head whenever we wake up any given morning.

Ofcourse the influence of what happened in the recent past before we slept and our dreams remain. If a major event has happened in our life even long time back, that will also have an effect. But it is still the 'now' we are talking about. It is the 'state of mind' in the 'now' that determines the next 'now'. When we say one year or 10 years later, I will do xyz. What does it even mean? I have just chosen not to do the xyx at this moment but what I keep doing in every 'now' will itself determine what happens every next second. This is closely connected to another point which is time is an illusion. Even if we believe that the first physical bodies have been around since billion years, in the context of the human existence and our life span, it is equivalent to zero. So time in a 'life' context means nothing.

Ofcourse one day my mind will leave my current physical body but it has nothing to do with time. It is because the nature as of 'now' has evolved our body to survive for not more than 100 years. As of now my mind is not even capable of understanding as to what happens to it after the physical body dies. When I say 100 years, does it mean I am talking about time and its relation to the life of my body? Consider this, if I am put in a dark cell for 100 years and have no idea of day, night, date or year or any calendar; how will my mind understand the 'years' that we talk about or if I am put on an island alone, on a day to day basis, I can only count the number of times the sun comes out and disappears. But does this number defines time. No. The point is, there is nothing in existence except for the now. The variables for the now is created by our own mind in the form of our choice for events and people. I need to explore this further and perhaps one day I might realize that there is nothing called 'now' as well and that everything is an illusion.

No free will - 

Connected to now is the choice we make in every now. So what determines our choice, free will, intuition or experiences in the previous nows (past)? Consider this, more than 90% of the times, we make a choice based on rational thinking and cognition but if we see the root of even that choice or decision, it is influenced by what was our experience the last time we made that choice. This might sound all negative but it is not actually. Even if our choices come from our sub conscious mind, we can work on the sub conscious mind over a period of time to make better choices in every now. This means if we continuously act with positive intent to become a better person everyday, this will gradually become a habit and choices and decisions will be then based on our positive thinking and habits. So even if we don't make most of the decisions with our conscious mind, it is still good enough because our positive sub conscious mind is guiding our choices. The exception to this is when we at times purely act out of a magical inspiration, vision of the future or a powerful intuition which doesn't have any relation to logic or previous experience. The key is to continue to train our mind in the now to only make those choices which will lead to our own positive growth and development and of the world in general.

Exploring the universe through the mind - 

We only have two choices. Either believe that our current mental condition and development is not evolved enough to understand the mysteries of existence and continue to experiment to find the unknown or believe that if we also focus on increasing the awareness of our mind and experiment with what we know, then we have a better chance to understand the unknown. This means the combined use of the more aware global consciousness and scientific experimentation will put is in a better position to understand the mysteries which will otherwise take very long or might never happen at all. Think of the greatest minds of all time like Lionardo Da Vinci and Einstein and how they discovered what they did. They did so because they thought beyond logic, rules and even time. They used their consciousness, imagination and the knowledge of the known (science) in their time. This is the reason why they have been able to find more answers to the unknown than any other human mind has. Imagine what will happen if a movement started where every gifted human combined the power of their consciousness, free imagination and science to understand the unknown and discover answers which will increase our global awareness, the reason for existence and our role in the universe.

The obvious question is should a common man, who is also a believer of an external God, worry about these things? Does he even have the time or space in his brain beyond his everyday struggle to ponder over things like these? The answer is no. But it is a movement of the fortunate great minds which will drive the rest forward. Any change always begins in the mind of one person, then goes to his family, then the neighbourhood, the city, the country and then the world. But it is the responsibility of the great minds to lead this movement and make even a God fearing man realize how he can choose to be positive and have a positive life.

Who should be leading our current civilization?

Imagine the world being led by the great minds who have no hidden agenda, where rich are not created at the cost of increasing the poor and unemployment, where big economies are not built at the cost of putting many others in an inevitable self-destructive debt, where every action is sustainable for every human and the earth as a whole. Our march towards a perfect civilization is over due now and the longer it is delayed, the more difficult it will be overcome the massive challenges of our times. Consider the increase in the income inequality, exponentially growing unemployment, more and more economies collapsing under debt, terrorism, poverty, bigger defence budgets than education and health.

These are all signs of a civilization driven by leaders who have got hidden agendas and their priorities wrong or have just got into a vicious circle of ignorance or just don't know how to come out of it or are just helpless and don't know what to do. An important question also is if the greatest minds of our times have dedicated their lives in science and technology, then why are they not playing a pro-active role in solving the greatest challenges of our times mentioned above? Do they choose not to or is something stopping them or they don't have the mental capacity to? Whatever be the case, they are not fulfilling their role and using their giftedness.

Can the answer lie in leading a global movement of nurturing gifted humans and catalyzing the great minds to act in a manner which will lead our civilization in a positive and not a self-destructive now.

Can social technologies and experience design be the answer to lead this movement and provide the necessary leadership the world needs?