My understanding of a genius of our current reality
A genius is a symbol of the collective future intelligence of humanity. He sees what the the humanity of his time does not see. He is ahead of the time and is perhaps looking at life, perception of reality, existence, God, problems of our times; beyond the filters of the mind. He is able to see what the others cannot and realizing that he keeps going about his life for the greater good of humanity. He has perhaps realized that it is possible to envision without being trapped by the perceptive constraint of time. He lives in the now and increases his awareness with every passing moment, which means he becomes more wise, intelligent and aware as he moves on in his life. He also has a sixth sense or a powerful intuition and this comes naturally to him. He has learnt how to use his increasing awareness and intuition for the benefit of the world. He loves the world as it is but makes efforts to make it better with his gifts. He takes this as a responsibility and not a burden and this continues to inspire him to keep going without any expectation of a reward or recognition. If they come along the way, he will take it in his stride with gratitude and become even more responsible for doing even greater work in his life.
His love for nature and humanity transcends beyond self and just humans. He is in harmony with himself, his species and the nature. He sees his primary purpose to understand the most existential questions regarding life and makes efforts to move humanity to a higher level where humanity as a whole will be closer to getting those answers. He recognizes this as his part of sharing the collective responsibility, to take humanity along with him towards a higher understanding of life. He has a strong connection with the global consciousness and as he goes about his life, more and more neural, social and technological systems begin to resonate with his sense of purpose, life and what we are here to do.
The power of his imagination goes beyond the world we know, understand or can comprehend. It transcends materialism, time and space. This gives him the ability to look at the existing world and humanity as a whole, beyond religion, politics, science, economics and other believe systems that humans have created. He chooses to focus his life on the area of his calling and his work comes to him as a form of meditation and utter joy. He knows that he can create the future and his role is to continue making contributions from his side and leave the rest. He realizes that unconditional love is the strongest force and energy in the world and has the power to resolve all the negatives that the humanity faces. A genius chooses to make his contribution to the world and humanity through his actions in the area he knows is his calling and strives to take himself and the humanity with him to a higher level during his current form of life he understands or till his material death.
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